Monday, August 16, 2010

Blue Pixel Heart: An Introduction

Odd name for a blog, don't you think? Blue Pixel Heart... what could that mean?

Simply, it's me. Less simply... well, that will take some explanation.

Who am I? Well, you can call me Ket. It's short for Ketisai, the name of my World of Warcraft character. That's right, I'm a WoW player. I also run a Horde guild called Likes Shiny Things on the Vek'nilash server (as well as our Alliance sister guild, Shinylicious). I've learned a lot while running my own guild. Despite the fact that everything is simply pixels, the people behind the characters in my guild are real, and there is a lot of interesting interaction that goes on between people online, no matter what game or site they're using.

But I digress.

So, we've established I'm a gamer girl. Another major aspect of my life is that I'm polyamorous. If you haven't heard of it yet, it means that I don't believe love is a limited resource. Currently I have a romantic relationship going with two amazing guys, one of whom I'm living with. The other... well, we're working on it. ;D Yes, they both know about each other.

Do I sound weird enough yet? And what do these things have to do with each other?

Well, let's put it this way: Blue Pixel Heart is about online interaction, love, friendship, and understanding that online relationships (be they romantic or platonic) are no less real than ones you have with people face to face. It's also about gaming and having far too much time on my hands.

So welcome to Blue Pixel Heart! Don't forget to give someone a hug that needs it today, even if it's an emoted hug. <3

*hugs you all!* :D

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